Motion Graphics & Video - Gallery


DSD Testimonial - Typography

The brief was to take a text testimonial and repurpose it into another medium. We decided to create a Typographic / Motion Graphic sequence to make the content as eye-catching as possible. I added some slight grain to take the clean look of the vectors and added some motion blur to certain elements to make particular animations stand out a little more.


Practice Plan - Video Ident

The client required a quick ident for all their video content moving forward. The yellow dot was a logo device that they were constantly promoting and sing as a focal point for many of their marketing materials. We took notice of that and created the simple bouncing ball animation, I added those 3 notes instead of a standard sound effect. 


Bridge2Aid - Animation

A non-profit that helps train dental professionals throughout Africa. We were commissioned to create an animation to promote the services the charity delivers on a day by day basis. With help on creating some of the assets seen in the animation from Sarah Maitland.


Ident Selection - Motion GFX

A short collation of various Video Idents I have created for some clients. It is a playlist so will autoplay the next example.


Practice Plan - Things That Make You Go Hmmm…

We were commissioned by the client to animate an existing eBook that they had. We took the graphics and storyboarded each one and I then broke up the graphic and animated it with Adobe After Effects.

This is all sequences melded into one long sequence, as they were originally posted individually on the companies social media channels.


Secret Service - Promotional Animation

We were commissioned by the client to animate an introduction to the company. The owner narrated the story and provided the script.

We then storyboarded and created the graphics for the animation. I proceeded to collate each scene inside of Adobe After Effects and animate it until complete. I exported to Premiere Pro and then added sound and edited them all together.